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There are over 60 videos here of people's experience using MMS to fight many different diseases from HIV, Cancer, Diabete's, Autism, Bites, Covid-19. Try to watch as many as you can if you or a loved one are also suffering with an illness.
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Over 100 Recoverded from Covid-19 with MMS (part one)
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Over 100 Recoverded from Covid-19 with MMS (part two)
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The Red Cross cured 154 people of Malaria in Uganda with MMS in 24 hours
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Chronic lyme disease cured
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Gall stones and chronic lyme disease cured with MMS
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Hashimoto disease cured
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Breast tumors and lymphoma
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HPV and vaginal parasites cured!
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Horrible skin conditions healed with MMS
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Breast Cancer Testimony
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Malignant Melanoma  part 1
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Malignant Melanoma part 2
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Malignant Melanoma part 3
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MMS Testimony Nurse's personal
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MMS Testimony Dr Hanan’s Testimony
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Pancreatic Cancer
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Tumors throughhout the body
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MMS Testimony Gastritis, Gall
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Severe Skin Infections, Diarrhea - MMS Testimony
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Breast Cancer, Gassy Stomach - MMS Testimony
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Kidney Infection, Back Pain Relieved - MMS Testimony
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Typhoid Fever, MRSA Staph Infection
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Alzheimers, Cataracts, Enlarged
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Throat Cancer, Sun Burns - MMS Testimonial
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Liposarcoma, Sinusitis, Diabetic
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Stroke, Athletes foot, Dog eye
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Detoxification, Parasite infection - MMS Testimonials
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Sinus infection, Jock itch, Diabetic - MMS Testimony
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Lung congestion, Eczema, Heavy
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Lung Pleurisy, Skin Damage,
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Throat Cancer, Gum Disease Success
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Malaria - MMS Testimonies
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Papilloma, Malaria Cure, Allergies - MMS Testimonies
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Malaria, Diabetes, Cancer
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Diabetes, Malaria, Bronchitis
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HIVAIDS Cured and Neck Pain Relieved - MMS Testimony
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HIVAIDS and a Lump - MMS Testimony
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Woman's health restored, Detox
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Dental problems fixed - MMS Testimony
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Fatty liver and Hepatitis - MMS Testimony
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Healing Autism with MMS
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Healing Autism with MMS 2
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Healing Autism with MMS 3
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Healing Autism with MMS 4
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Healing Autism with MMS 5
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Healing Autism with MMS 6
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Healing Autism with MMS 7
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Healing Autism with MMS 8
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Healing Autism with MMS 9
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Healing Autism with MMS 10
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Mosquito Fever, Chikungunya - MMS Testimony
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Doctor Requested Suicide Unknown
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Neuropathy, General Health - MMS Testimony
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Neuropathy, General Health - MMS Testimony
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Arthritis, Broken Neck - MMS Testimony
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Lyme Disease - MMS Testimonial
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General Health, Preventive Maintenance
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Bleeding Issues, Asthma, Eye problems - MMS Testimonies
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Conjunctivitis - MMS Testimonial
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Lyme Disease - MMS Testimony
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El cancer de mama - Testimonio de MMS
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El cancer de mama - Testimonio de MMS
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Swine Flu - MMS Testimonial
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I thought you would like to know that I have cured myself of uterine and ovarian cancer with MMS. One year ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 malignant melanoma (Skin Cancer spread to my lymph hodes). I had an ultrasound in June of this year. the Dr. said I had a tumor on my right ovary and my uterus showed signs of cancer/precancer. The Dr. said I would have to have a hysterectomy. We decided to repeat the ultrasound in 1 month and do a biopsy and schedule the surgery after the results of the second ultrasound. In July I did a course of MMS lasting about 3 weeks. The MMS treatment was unpleasant. Every time I took a dose I felt ill. I had diarhea and nausea and vomitting. I also experienced excruciating pain in my right side (the affected ovary). I stuck with it dropping down a few drops then ramping back up until I reached 15 drops a day 2 times a day. I also found I would get less nauseus if I ate a half hour before taking MMS. I just got the results of the repeat ultrasound. The ovarian tumor is gone completely and my uterus is normal and healthy, The Dr. said he doesn’t know why but I no longer need surgery or a biopsy. Everthing is normal and healthy! Sincerly, anonymous MMS patient( scared of the FDA)
anonymous ( Cancer Gone!!! )
Diabetes under control
It is my pleasure to post the success story i have experienced using MMS2 for my friend. He had this diabetes for years already without improvement. It takes about a month only. Using gradual increase day by day until able to take 4 caps a day at 2 to 3 hour time frame. Here is how he achieved it…. he also take enzyme at the same time. Before he start MMS2. The reading was 7.+, now the reading was 5.+ He never had this reading before. He now taking it daily at 1 to 2 caps. I am glad to finally obtain the MMS1 25% solution. It does work too. Am having it often now. Will wait the arrival of your DVD to finish my exam on MMS.
I had kidney failure and kidney function of only 10% I was keen to go onto Dialysis as I had been feeling bad for sometime. I came across MMS and read all the detail and wanted to have a mormal life and not Dialising three days a week.
So I started the MMS protocol and could not believe the improvment, My Kidney specialist was amazed with the new results he said that he had never seen kidneys improve like this before,my kidneys have improved back to where they were four years earlier and still improving. I cannot wait for my next visit to my specialist to find out where my Kidneys are at now.
cannot speak highly enough about this product, I will be recomending it to all my family and friends.
Videos: Testimonials
Breast Cancer , Hepititis C , Warts, InfectionsÂ
GP Tells Family Their Daughter only Had 2-3 Weeks to Live
Delwyn was originally diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of just 26. It quickly spread to her bones, hips, spine and lung. Her liver was in bad shape also.Four weeks ago she was confined to bed, had to urinate in a glass bottle, and weighed only 45 kg.
On October 3rd 2007 was a black day for the family. She had not eaten for 3 days and her Doctor met with the family and said they needed to make a decision as to whether to pull the feed tubes out of her or not. She had 2 ? 3 week to live. In emergency hospital, the family had arranged her funeral and cemetery plot
She started on the MMS and 10 days later the cancer markers continued to increase but her strength and energy started to return. She was walking and even drove a short distance around the paddock at her parents Park.
It is now November 1st 2007 and her cancer markers are on the way down, falling even 40 points in the past week and still falling (Measuring her CA.15-3 scores). She is driving better than she was 6 months ago, She has no pain, is able to dress herself, her kidneys and liver are in better condition. Is now sleeping and walking better than 4 months ago.
Her Doctor saw her last week and simply could not believe how well she looked. She has no pain and has reduced all of her medications.
Delwyn and her family acknowledge God?s leading and provision of her treatment and the timing of it all at deaths door. Yes it is early days but she is 6 months ahead of where she was just 4-5 weeks ago. Delwyn has a good diet of vegetable juices, berries and raw foods which help enormously in keeping her body alkaline as well as nourishing her cells to re-build stronger and healthier**. There is no doubt that the MMS in this case has been foundational in cleansing the body of pathogens, mould, fungus, viruses and bacteria that have been so prolific and allowing the cancer to grow and spread.
Videos: Testimonials
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